What We Believe

  • The Lordship of Jesus Christ

    We acknowledge Christ as the foundation of our whole. Jesus is the teacher of our minds, comforter of our hearts, and Savior of our souls.

  • The Worship of God

    In song, word, and prayer we come together in worship to acknowledge God’s power, faithfulness and grace.

  • The Authority of the Bible

    In its pages we find guidance, comfort and the stories of God. We are committed to teaching, learning and living the truths found within.

  • The Worth of Each Person

    The uniqueness of each individual is celebrated from the newest infant to the oldest adult. We are a diverse people, gifted as individuals and blessed as a whole.

  • The Call to Service and Missions

    Committed to being “salt and light” in our world, we are the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. As a family of faith we work together, care for each other, and spread the love of God throughout our city, state, nation, and world.